founding father

美 [ˌfaʊndɪŋ ˈfɑːðər]英 [ˌfaʊndɪŋ ˈfɑːðə(r)]
  • n.(运动、机构或思想的)创建人,发起人,元勋;(1787年参加制订美国宪法的)制宪元勋

复数: founding fathers

founding fatherfounding father



a person who starts or develops a new movement, institution or idea


a member of the group of people who wrote the Constitution of the US in 1787

founding father


  • 1
    N-COUNT 开创者;提出者;创立人
    The founding father of an institution, organization, or idea is the person who sets it up or who first develops it.

  • 2
    N-PROPER-PLURAL 开国者,制宪元勋(美国宪法的起草者)
    The Founding Fathers of the United States were the members of the American Constitutional Convention of 1787.


a person who founds or establishes some institution
George Washington is the father of his country
Synonym: founder beginner father


  1. in Jefferson 's public life as a founding father


  2. If economics has a founding father , it is smith .


  3. Modern China 's founding father , Sun Yat-sen , proposed a dam in 1919 .


  4. Singapore Says Goodbye to Founding Father


  5. Alexander Hamilton , founding father of America


  6. As last week 's obituaries have already recorded , Derrida was the founding father of deconstruction .


  7. He introduced Boolean algebra in switching theory , is the founding father of communication science , and performed several experiments related to artificial intelligence .


  8. This exhibition lays out what photography 's founding father could never know : how the camera has also always been the pencil of art .


  9. Tules Verne : founding father of science fiction


  10. That 's always been our country 's story , from a Founding Father with an idea to fly a kite in a thunderstorm ,


  11. For as the great founding father of modern capitalism Adam Smith stressed time and again , the market depends on non-market values like honesty and trust .


  12. Daniel Defoe ( 1660-1731 ) is the founding father of British realistic novel and is called " Father of Novel in Britain and Europe " .


  13. Lee Kuan Yew , often referred to as the founding father of modern Singapore , died on March 23 at the age of 91 .


  14. Students now study Mao - still officially revered as the founding father of modern China but no longer regularly promoted as an influence on policy - only in junior high .


  15. The visitors from all parts of the country came to see the bronze statue of He Long and his tomb to cherish our founding father & He Long .


  16. Both Lin-Manuel and I were motivated by a sense that Hamilton was the most overlooked and misunderstood founding father .


  17. The incident is typical of Singapore 's founding father , and of the city state itself , which has mostly eschewed ideology in favour of practical solutions to practical problems .


  18. Founding father George Washington finished second in the new survey , followed by Franklin D.Roosevelt , Theodore Roosevelt , and Harry Truman , in that order .


  19. As the " founding father " of American drama , Eugene Gladstone O'Neill has bestowed upon the American theatre a fresh impetus and an entirely new integrity .


  20. He was America 's fifth President and the last who was a Founding Father of the U.S.A. He inherited his father 's plantation and fortune when he was 16 .


  21. The founding father used a number of pseudonyms to publish opinionated newspaper pieces : " Silence Dogood " to critique hypocrisy and hoopskirts ;


  22. No doubly , George Washionton , the founding father of the America , is the regime base of American dream , who contributed to the rise of American dream .


  23. Chen Heqing was the outstanding representative of kindergarten curriculum reform in China in 1920s and 1930s . He was also the founding father of curriculum theory and practice of preschool education in China .


  24. Mayo , the founding father of Behaviourism in the Occidental management science , put forward epoch-making thoughts on Social Man , Informal Group and new leadership after through experiments at Hawthorne plant for 8 years .


  25. That is mostly thanks to Habib Bourguiba , the founding father of the modern Tunisian state , who outlawed polygamy , granted women equal divorce rights and legalised abortion .


  26. Genghis Khan is now seen as a national hero and founding father of Mongolia , but during the era of Soviet rule in the 20th century , the mere mention of his name was banned .


  27. For all the tyranny of his autocratic rule , Qin Shi Huang is still regarded by many today as the founding father in Chinese history whose unification of China has endured for more than two millennia , with interruptions .


  28. You could argue that whoever fired the bullet that took out Simon Fraser did as much as any Founding Father to establish American independence . Without leadership , the British lose 1000 men . Twice as many as the Patriots .


  29. Lee Kuan Yew , founding father of modern Singapore and one of the most influential global leaders of the 20th century , has died aged 91 , half a century after he led the tiny Asian city-state to independence in 1965 .


  30. Speaking in front of a giant photo of modern India 's founding father Mohandas K. Gandhi , Hazare called on supporters to wage this " second battle for independence " in a manner consistent with Gandhi 's ideals .
